Ever since I was a child, I remember being fascinated with tornados, hurricanes, and all other severe weather phenomenon. I began officially when I was trained in Storm Spotting by the NSSL (National Severe Storms Laboratory), in Norman, OK. From there, I joined with CREST (Citizens Radio Emergency Service Team) in Wichita, KS. CREST is mainly responsible for the spotting of tornados in Sedgwick County, KS. After having been with CREST for awhile, I officially joined with Sedgwick County Emergency Management. The team I currently serve with is The Emergency Service Team or TEST. Our main areas of responsibility are Emergency Lighting, Light Rescue, which can sometimes go to Heavy Rescue, but that's rare, and occasional Storm Spotting. I have been in Emergency Services now for over 9 years. EMS, Fire & Rescue, and Spotting are just a few of the items on my resume`.
My hope in creating this website is to belay the rumors, myths and misinformation involved with Severe Weather. Some of the links I've included deal with the myths and truths of Tornados, Hurricanes, Earthquakes and so forth.
If anyone is interested in becoming a member of Sedgwick County Emergency Management, and is planning on moving to the Sedgwick County Area soon, please contact the Office of Emergency Management at (316)383-7546 for more information.
You can also get some great disaster preparedness information as well as equipment at SurvivalCity.com